Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Beat the Heat with Classic

Lets face it-its H-O-T out and there is no getting around it. July boasted record temperatures across the nation and August doesn't show much promise of cooling off either. Chances are your summer vacation has already come and gone. The school year will be here before you know it, the lazy summer days will be behind us, and we'll be left with the glaring to do list just as long if not longer than it was at the beginning of the summer. Yet again, time has slipped away and the "honey-do" list has gotten away from us another year.
 Alas, its not too late! Let Classic help and take the heat both figuratively and literally off your to do list! We've still got openings for your exterior needs- be it power washing, touch ups, or an entire exterior there's still time for us to complete the tasks before the weather turns sour and we're all stuck inside for another long winter.

Just need a few here and there things done? Call today for our Painter for a Day option!
